Our top 5 tips to help you settle into your new job!

Stay positive.


Starting a new job can be daunting at times as it can often be a big step change in your working life.
A new job will more than likely come with obstacles; you may not be fitting in as quickly as you hoped or maybe the overall role is completely different to what you had expected. But you need to ‘dig in’ and realise that you need time to adapt. This can take days, weeks or even months so it’s important that you stay positive and show your enthusiasm, this will help encourage your co-workers to support you, therefore making initial interactions a bit smoother.

Build relationships.

Building relationships within a workplace is very important, this can either make or break your experience. When staring your new job, you may feel a bit nervous and shy. To build relationships you will need to step out of your comfort zone and interact positively with everyone you work with. These are people you will be seeing every working day so it is important to engage with them in a positive, professional way early on. Start the way you mean to go on!

Building a relationship with your new boss can be hard as you may still be used to your old boss’s way of doing things. You must try to remember that all managers work differently, they have different ways of doing things, different ways of managing a team and different styles of communication. When meeting your new manager try to take time to understand how they work and keep an open mind.

Get to grips with your job description.


Hopefully, when starting a new role, you will already have a job description but if not, ask your boss for one, this will help you understand your responsibilities on a day to day basis. Becoming an expert in your new role and understanding your responsibilities are key when you want to show that you are committed to this new opportunity.

Another benefit of getting a full job description of your role is it will help you establish people’s expectations of you and it will help you understand the skills required within your team.

Do not rush anything, spend time developing your knowledge of the organisations’ industry, it’s customers/clients, competitors, services and staff. Once you have done your research and taken in as much information as you can about the company, you will be in a better position to really start performing at your best.

Take notes.

When starting your new role, be sure to take notes constantly. Take notes on any training that the company provides, on jobs that need doing or if someone asks you to do something write it down so you do not forget about it!

Also try to take mental notes on what goes on around you, familiarize yourself with what everyone does on a day to day basis.

Get involved.


Getting involved is key when starting a new job, it is a great way to show your new colleagues that you are a team player.

Most businesses have social events when possible so take the opportunity to go to them. Work social events are perfect as they are a way to get to know all the people within the office and building that all important relationship.

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